Forward-Backward Proximal Splitting
This numerical tour presents the Forward-Backward (FB) algorithm to minimize the sum of a smooth and a simple function. It shows an application to sparse-spikes deconvolution.
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Excellent review papers on proximal splitting algorithms include:
Amir Beck and Marc Teboulle, Gradient-Based Algorithms with Applications to Signal Recovery Problems, in "Convex Optimization in Signal Processing and Communications". Editors: Yonina Eldar and Daniel Palomar. Cambridge university press.
P. L. Combettes and J.-C. Pesquet, Proximal splitting methods in signal processing, in: Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, (H. H. Bauschke, R. S. Burachik, P. L. Combettes, V. Elser, D. R. Luke, and H. Wolkowicz, Editors), pp. 185-212. Springer, New York, 2011.
Forward-Backward Algorithm
We consider the problem of minimizing the sum of two functions \[ E^\star \umin{x \in \RR^N} E(x) = f(x) + g(x). \]
We assume that \(f\) is a \(C^1\) function with \(L\)-Lipschitz gradient, which means that \[ \forall (x,y) \in \RR^N \times \RR^N, \quad \norm{\nabla f(x) - \nabla f(y)} \leq L \norm{x-y}. \]
We also assume that \(g\) is "simple", in the sense that one can compute in closed form the so-called proximal mapping, which is defined as \[ \text{prox}_{\ga g}(x) = \uargmin{y \in \RR^N} \frac{1}{2}\norm{x-y}^2 + \ga g(y). \] for any \(\ga > 0\).
The FB algorithm reads, after initilizing \(x^{(0)} \in \RR^N\), \[ x^{(\ell+1)} = \text{prox}_{\ga g}\pa{ x^{(\ell)} - \ga \nabla f( x^{(\ell)} ) }. \]
If \(0 < \ga < 2/L\), then this scheme converges to a minimizer of \(f+g\).
Sparse Regularization of Inverse Problems
We consider a linear inverse problem \[ y = \Phi x_0 + w \in \RR^P\] where \(x_0 \in \RR^N\) is the (unknown) signal to recover, \(w \in \RR^P\) is a noise vector, and \(\Phi \in \RR^{P \times N}\) models the acquisition device.
To recover an approximation of the signal \(x_0\), we use the Basis Pursuit denoising method, that use the \(\ell^1\) norm as a sparsity enforcing penalty \[ \umin{x \in \RR^N} \frac{1}{2} \norm{y-\Phi x}^2 + \la \norm{x}_1, \] where the \(\ell^1\) norm is defined as \[ \norm{x}_1 = \sum_i \abs{x_i}. \]
The parameter \(\la\) should be set in accordance to the noise level \(\norm{w}\).
This minimization problem can be cast in the form of minimizing \(f+g\) where \[ f(x) = \frac{1}{2} \norm{y-\Phi x}^2 \qandq g(x) = \la \norm{x}_1. \]
\(f\) is a smooth function, which satisfies \[ \nabla f(x) = \Phi^* (\Phi x - y), \] it has a \(L\)-Lipschitz gradient with \[ L = \norm{ \Phi^* \Phi }. \]
The \(\ell^1\)-norm is "simple", because its proximal operator is a soft thresholding: \[ \text{prox}_{\ga g}(x)_k = \max\pa{ 0, 1 - \frac{\la \ga}{\abs{x_k}} } x_k. \]
Signal Deconvolution Problem on Synthetic Sparse Data
A simple linearized model of seismic acquisition consider a linear operator which is a filtering \[ \Phi x = \phi \star x \]
Dimension of the problem.
N = 1024;
We load a seismic filter \(\phi\), which is a second derivative of a Gaussian.
Width of the filter.
s = 5;
Second derivative of Gaussian.
t = (-N/2:N/2-1)'; h = (1-t.^2/s^2).*exp( -(t.^2)/(2*s^2) ); h = h-mean(h);
Define the operator \(\Phi\).
h1 = fftshift(h); % Recenter the filter for fft use.
Phi = @(u)real(ifft(fft(h1).*fft(u)));
Display the filter and its Fourier transform.
% Fourier transform (normalized) hf = real(fftshift(fft(h1))) / sqrt(N); % display q = 200; clf; subplot(2,1,1); plot(-N/2+1:N/2, h); axis([-q q min(h) max(h)]); title('Filter, Spacial (zoom)'); subplot(2,1,2); plot(-N/2+1:N/2, hf); axis([-q q 0 max(hf)]); title('Filter, Fourier (zoom)');
We generate a synthetic sparse signal \(x_0\), with only a small number of non zero coefficients.
Number of Diracs of the signal.
s = round(N*.03);
Set the seed-number (for reproductibility).
rand('state', 1); randn('state', 1);
Location of the diracs.
sel = randperm(N); sel = sel(1:s);
Signal \(x_0\).
x0 = zeros(N,1); x0(sel) = 1; x0 = x0 .* sign(randn(N,1)) .* (1-.3*rand(N,1));
Noise level.
sigma = .06;
Compute the measurements \(y=\Phi x_0 + w\) where \(w\) is a realization of a Gaussian white noise of variance \(\si^2\).
y = Phi(x0) + sigma*randn(N,1);
Display signals and measurements.
clf; ms = 20; subplot(2,1,1); u = x0; u(x0==0) = NaN; stem(u, 'b.', 'MarkerSize', ms); axis('tight'); title('Signal x_0'); subplot(2,1,2); plot(y); axis('tight'); title('Measurements y');
Sparse-Spikes Deconvolution
We now implement the FB algorithm for the sparse spikes problem.
Regularization strenght \(\la\).
lambda = 1;
Define the proximity operator of \(\ga g\).
proxg = @(x,gamma)perform_thresholding(x, lambda*gamma, 'soft');
Define the gradient operator of \(f\)
gradf = @(x)Phi(Phi(x)-y);
Define the Lipschitz constant of \(f\).
L = max(abs(fft(h)))^2;
Gradient step size \(\ga\), should be smaller than \(2/L\).
gamma = 1.95 / L;
Initialization \(x^{(0)}\).
x = y;
Perform one step of FB.
x = proxg( x - gamma*gradf(x), gamma );
Exercice 1: (check the solution) Compute the solution of L1 deconvolution. Keep track of the degay of the energy \(E=f+g\).
Display the result.
clf; subplot(2,1,1); u = x0; u(x0==0) = NaN; stem(u, 'b.', 'MarkerSize', ms); axis('tight'); title(['Signal x0']); subplot(2,1,2); u = x; u(x==0) = NaN; stem(u, 'b.', 'MarkerSize', ms); axis('tight');
Over-relaxed Forward-Backward
It is possible to introduce a relaxation parameter \(-1 < \mu < 1\) to average the current iterate of the FB with the previous one. In this case, one must set the descent paramter to \[ \ga=\frac{1}{L}. \]
gamma = 1/L;
The algorithm initializes \(z^{(1)}=x^{(0)} \in \RR^N\), and then it computes \[ x^{(\ell)} = \text{prox}_{\ga g}\pa{ z^{(\ell)} - \ga \nabla f( z^{(\ell)} ) }. \] \[ z^{(\ell+1)} = x^{(\ell)} + \mu \pa{ x^{(\ell)} - x^{(\ell-1)} } \]
The regime \(-1<\mu <0\) corresponds to under-relaxation. Setting \(\mu=0\), one recovers the unrelaxed Forward-Backward. Setting \(0 < \mu < 1\) creates over-relaxation.
Note that convergence of the iterates \(x^{(\ell)}\) is only guaranteed for \( -1 < \mu < 1/2 \), and that one can only prove convergence of \( E(x^{(\ell)}) \) toward \(E^\star\) in case \( \mu \in [1/2,1[ \).
For a in-depth analysis of this scheme, see the book:
H.H. Bauschke and P.L. Combettes, Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces Springer-Verlag (2011)
Exercice 2: (check the solution) Impement the relaxed FB algorithm and display its convergence rate for several values of \(\mu\).
FISTA Accelerated Algorithm
It is possible to use an adaptive relaxation parameter \(\mu = \mu^{(\ell)}\) that changes from iteration to iteration.
This strategy is used in the Fast Iterative Soft Thresholding (FISTA) algorithm introduced in:
Amir Beck and Marc Teboulle, A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm for Linear Inverse Problems, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 2 (2009), no. 1, 183--202.
In this algorithm, the relaxation parameters \(\mu^{(\ell)}\) are automatically set and tend to the limit value \[ \mu^{(\ell)} \overset{\ell \rightarrow +\infty}{\longrightarrow} 1 . \]
The step size should be set to: \[ \ga = \frac{1}{L}. \]
gamma = 1/L;
The algorithm initializes \(z^{(1)}=x^{(0)} \in \RR^N\), and \(t^{(1)}=1\) and then it computes \[ x^{(\ell)} = \text{prox}_{\ga g}\pa{ z^{(\ell)} - \ga \nabla f( z^{(\ell)} ) }. \] \[ t^{(\ell+1)} = \frac{ 1 + \sqrt{1+4(t^{(\ell)})^2} }{2} \qandq \mu^{(\ell+1)} = \frac{t^{(\ell)}-1}{ t^{(\ell+1)} } \] \[ z^{(\ell+1)} = x^{(\ell+1)} + \mu^{(\ell+1)} \pa{ x^{(\ell)} - x^{(\ell-1)} } \]
For this scheme, one cannot prove convergence of the iterates, but one can prove that it reaches an optimal convergence rate of the iterates, namely \[ E(f^{(\ell)}) - E^\star = O(1/\ell^2) \] while the convergence rate for the usual FB is only \(O(1/\ell)\).
Exercice 3: (check the solution) Compute the solution of L1 deconvolution using FISTA. Keep track of the degay of the energy \(E = f+g\).