Volumetric Radon Inversion
This numerical tour explores the reconstruction from 3D tomographic measurement with TV regularization.
Installing toolboxes and setting up the path.
You need to download the following files: signal toolbox and general toolbox.
You need to unzip these toolboxes in your working directory, so that you have toolbox_signal and toolbox_general in your directory.
For Scilab user: you must replace the Matlab comment '%' by its Scilab counterpart '//'.
Recommandation: You should create a text file named for instance numericaltour.sce (in Scilab) or numericaltour.m (in Matlab) to write all the Scilab/Matlab command you want to execute. Then, simply run exec('numericaltour.sce'); (in Scilab) or numericaltour; (in Matlab) to run the commands.
Execute this line only if you are using Matlab.
getd = @(p)path(p,path); % scilab users must *not* execute this
Then you can add the toolboxes to the path.
getd('toolbox_signal/'); getd('toolbox_general/');
3D Volumetric Datasets
We load a volumetric data.
name = 'vessels'; options.nbdims = 3; M = read_bin(name, options); M = rescale(M); % size of the image (here it is a cube). n = size(M,1);
Reduce dimensionality
M = M(1:2:n,1:2:n,1:2:n); n = n/2;
We can display some horizontal slices.
slices = round(linspace(10,n-10,4)); clf; for i=1:length(slices) s = slices(i); imageplot( M(:,:,s), strcat(['Z=' num2str(s)]), 2,2,i ); end
We can display an isosurface of the dataset (here we sub-sample to speed up the computation).
sel = 1:2:n;
isosurface( M(sel,sel,sel), .5);
3D Tomograpic Measurements
Tomographic measurements corresponds to the computation of orthogonal projections (integration along liners) of the 3D datasets on set of 2D planes. Thanks to the Fourier-slice theorem, this is equivalent to performing a sub-sampling of the 3D Fourier transform along planes (orthogonal to the projection directions).
Number of projections
P = 12;
Either uniform sampling for P==12, or randomized projection directions, on the sphere.
if P==12 tau = 0.8506508084; one = 0.5257311121; S = [ tau, one, 0; -tau, one, 0 -tau, -one, 0; tau, -one, 0; one, 0 , tau; one, 0 , -tau; -one, 0 , -tau; -one, 0 , tau; 0 , tau, one; 0 , -tau, one; 0 , -tau, -one; 0 , tau, -one ]'; else S = randn(3,P); S = S ./ repmat( sqrt( sum(S.^2,1) ), [3 1]); end
Display the directions on the sphere.
clf; plot3(S(1,:), S(2,:), S(3,:), '.'); axis equal;
The Fourier mask.
x = [0:n/2-1, -n/2:-1]; [X,Y,Z] = ndgrid(x,x,x); mask = zeros(n,n,n); epsilon = .5; for i=1:P q = S(:,i); d = q(1)*X + q(2)*Y + q(3)*Z; mask( abs(d)<=epsilon ) = 1; end
Tomographic measurement can thus be intepreted as a selection of a few Fourier frequencies.
F = fftn(M); y = F(mask==1);
Number of measures.
Q = length(y); disp(strcat(['Number of measurements Q=' num2str(Q) '.'])); disp(strcat(['Sub-sampling Q/N=' num2str(length(y)/n^3,2) '.']));
Number of measurements Q=27906. Sub-sampling Q/N=0.11.
The transposed operator corresponds to the pseudo inverse reconstruction (because the measurement operator is in fact an orthogonal projection). It is similar to the filtered back-projection (excepted that the Fourier sub-sampling is now on a discrete grid, which is not really faithful to the geometry of tomographic acquisition).
F1 = zeros(n,n,n); F1(mask==1) = y; M1 = real( ifftn(F1) );
clf; for i=1:length(slices) s = slices(i); imageplot( clamp(M1(:,:,s)), strcat(['Z=' num2str(s)]), 2,2,i ); end
SNR of the pseudo inverse reconstruction.
disp(['Pseudo-inverse, SNR=' num2str(snr(M,M1),4) 'dB.']);
Pseudo-inverse, SNR=11.89dB.
3D Total Variation
Since medical images often have a cartoon morphology, it makes sense to perform the reconstruction while minimizing the TV norm of the image.
To be able to use a gradient descent for the reconstruction, we use a smoothed TV-norm, using a smoothing parameter epsilon. The smaller, the closer to TV, but the slower the method is.
epsilon = 1e-2;
The gradient of the volum is a 3D vector field, and hence a (n,n,n,3) matrix.
G = grad(M);
Display the gradient as a color image.
clf; for i=1:length(slices) s = slices(i); imageplot( squeeze(G(:,:,s,:)), strcat(['Z=' num2str(s)]), 2,2,i ); end
Compute the smoothed norm of the gradient. This corresponds to a edge detector.
d = sqrt(sum(G.^2,4)+epsilon^2);
clf; for i=1:length(slices) s = slices(i); imageplot( squeeze(d(:,:,s,:)), strcat(['Z=' num2str(s)]), 2,2,i ); end
Compute the regularized TV norm.
tv = sum(d(:)); disp(['TV norm=' num2str(tv) '.']);
TV norm=20070.761.
TV Reconstruction from Partial 3D Tomoraphic Measurements
We perform the reconstruction using a projected gradient descent.
Gradient descent step. Should be proportional to epsilon.
tau = epsilon*.2;
Initialize the solution using the pseudo inverse.
Mtv = M1;
The gradient of the smoothed total variation is minus the divergence of the normalized gradient of the image.
G = grad(Mtv); d = sqrt(sum(G.^2,4)+epsilon^2); dG = -div( G ./ repmat(d, [1 1 1 3]) );
Display it.
clf; for i=1:length(slices) s = slices(i); imageplot( dG(:,:,s), strcat(['Z=' num2str(s)]), 2,2,i ); end
Perform the gradient step.
Mtv = Mtv - tau*dG;
Perform the projection step to impose the known values.
F = fftn(Mtv); F(mask==1) = y; Mtv = real(ifftn(F));
Exercice 1: (check the solution) Perform the projected TV gradient desent, and monitor the epsilon-TV norm during the iterations.
clf; for i=1:length(slices) s = slices(i); imageplot( clamp(Mtv(:,:,s)), strcat(['Z=' num2str(s)]), 2,2,i ); end
SNR of the resulting reconstruction.
disp(['Total variation, SNR=' num2str(snr(M,Mtv),4) 'dB.']);
Total variation, SNR=13.94dB.