Signal and Image Noise Models
This numerical tour show several models for signal and image noise. It shows how to estimate the noise level for a Gaussian additive noise on a natural image. It also shows the relevance of thresholding to remove Gaussian noise contaminating sparse data.
Installing toolboxes and setting up the path.
You need to download the following files: signal toolbox and general toolbox.
You need to unzip these toolboxes in your working directory, so that you have toolbox_signal and toolbox_general in your directory.
For Scilab user: you must replace the Matlab comment '%' by its Scilab counterpart '//'.
Recommandation: You should create a text file named for instance numericaltour.sce (in Scilab) or numericaltour.m (in Matlab) to write all the Scilab/Matlab command you want to execute. Then, simply run exec('numericaltour.sce'); (in Scilab) or numericaltour; (in Matlab) to run the commands.
Execute this line only if you are using Matlab.
getd = @(p)path(p,path); % scilab users must *not* execute this
Then you can add the toolboxes to the path.
getd('toolbox_signal/'); getd('toolbox_general/');
Additive Gaussian Noise Model
The simplest noise model consist in adding a realization of a zero mean random vector to a clean signal or image.
Load a clean image.
N = 128;
name = 'boat';
M0 = load_image(name,256);
M0 = rescale(crop(M0,N));
Load a clean signal.
n = 1024;
name = 'piece-regular';
f0 = rescale( load_signal(name,n) );
The simplest noise model is Gaussian white noise. Here we generate a noisy signal or image.
sigma = .1; M = M0 + randn(N,N)*sigma; f = f0 + randn(n,1)*sigma;
Display the signals.
clf; subplot(3,1,1); plot(f0); axis([1 n 0 1]); title('Clean signal'); subplot(3,1,2); plot(f-f0); axis([1 n -3*sigma 3*sigma]); title('Noise'); subplot(3,1,3); plot(f); axis([1 n 0 1]); title('Noisy signal');
Display the images.
clf; imageplot(M0, 'Clean image', 1,3,1); imageplot(M-M0, 'Noise', 1,3,2); imageplot(clamp(M), 'Noisy image', 1,3,3);
Display the statistics of the noise
nbins = 51; [h,t] = hist( M(:)-M0(:), nbins ); h = h/sum(h); subplot(3,1,2); bar(t,h); axis([-sigma*5 sigma*5 0 max(h)*1.01]);
Additive Uniform Noise
A slightly different kind of noise is uniform in a given interval.
Generate noisy data with uniform noise distribution in [-a,a], with a chosen so that the variance is sigma.
a = sqrt(3)*sigma; M = M0 + 2*(rand(N,N)-.5)*a; f = f0 + 2*(rand(n,1)-.5)*a;
Display the signals.
clf; subplot(3,1,1); plot(f0); axis([1 n 0 1]); title('Clean signal'); subplot(3,1,2); plot(f-f0); axis([1 n -3*sigma 3*sigma]); title('Noise'); subplot(3,1,3); plot(f); axis([1 n 0 1]); title('Noisy signal');
Display the images.
clf; imageplot(M0, 'Clean image', 1,3,1); imageplot(M-M0, 'Noise', 1,3,2); imageplot(clamp(M), 'Noisy image', 1,3,3);
Display the statistics of the noise
nbins = 51; [h,t] = hist( M(:)-M0(:), nbins ); h = h/sum(h); subplot(3,1,2); bar(t,h); axis([-sigma*5 sigma*5 0 max(h)*1.01]);
Impulse Noise
A very different noise model consist in sparse impulsions, generate by a random distribution with slowly decaying probability.
Generate noisy image with exponential distribution, with variance sigma.
W = log(rand(N,N)).*sign(randn(N,N)); W = W/std(W(:))*sigma; M = M0 + W;
Generate noisy signal with exponential distribution, with variance sigma.
W = log(rand(n,1)).*sign(randn(n,1)); W = W/std(W(:))*sigma; f = f0 + W;
Display the signals.
clf; subplot(3,1,1); plot(f0); axis([1 n 0 1]); title('Clean signal'); subplot(3,1,2); plot(f-f0); axis([1 n -3*sigma 3*sigma]); title('Noise'); subplot(3,1,3); plot(f); axis([1 n 0 1]); title('Noisy signal');
Display the images.
clf; imageplot(M0, 'Clean image', 1,3,1); imageplot(M-M0, 'Noise', 1,3,2); imageplot(clamp(M), 'Noisy image', 1,3,3);
Display the statistics of the noise
nbins = 51; [h,t] = hist( M(:)-M0(:), nbins ); h = h/sum(h); subplot(3,1,2); bar(t,h); axis([-sigma*5 sigma*5 0 max(h)*1.01]);
Thresholding Estimator and Sparsity
The idea of non-linear denoising is to use an orthogonal basis in which the coefficients x of the signal or image M0 is sparse (a few large coefficients). In this case, the noisy coefficients x of the noisy data M (perturbated with Gaussian noise) are x0+noise where noise is Gaussian. A thresholding set to 0 the noise coefficients that are below T. The threshold level T should be chosen judiciously to be just above the noise level.
First we generate a spiky signal.
% dimension n = 4096; % probability of spiking rho = .05; % location of the spike x0 = rand(n,1)<rho; % random amplitude in [-1 1] x0 = 2 * x0 .* ( rand(n,1)-.5 );
We add some gaussian noise
sigma = .1; x = x0 + randn(size(x0))*sigma;
clf; subplot(2,1,1); plot(x0); axis([1 n -1 1]); set_graphic_sizes([], 20); title('Original signal'); subplot(2,1,2); plot(x); axis([1 n -1 1]); set_graphic_sizes([], 20); title('Noisy signal');
Exercice 1: (check the solution) What is the optimal threshold T to remove as much as possible of noise ? Try several values of T.
In order to be optimal without knowing in advance the amplitude of the coefficients of x0, one needs to set T just above the noise level. This means that T should be roughly equal to the maximum value of a Gaussian white noise of size n.
Exercice 2: (check the solution) The theory predicts that the maximum of n Gaussian variable of variance sigma^2 is smaller than sqrt(2*log(n)) with large probability (that tends to 1 when n increases). This is also a sharp result. Check this numerically by computing with Monte Carlo sampling the maximum with n increasing (in power of 2). Check also the deviation of the maximum when you perform several trial with n fixed.
Estimating the noise level
In practice, the noise level sigma is unknown. For additive Gaussian noise, a good estimator is given by the median of the wavelet coefficients at the finer scale. An even simple estimator is given by the normalized derivate along X or Y direction
Load a clean image.
n = 256;
M0 = rescale(load_image('boat', n));
Generate a noisy image.
sigma = 0.06; M = M0 + randn(n,n)*sigma;
First we extract the high frequency residual.
H = M; H = (H(1:n-1,:) - H(2:n,:))'/sqrt(2); H = (H(1:n-1,:) - H(2:n,:))'/sqrt(2);
clf; imageplot(clamp(M), 'Noisy image', 1,2,1); imageplot(H, 'Derivative image', 1,2,2);
[h,t] = hist(H(:), 100); h = h/sum(h);
Display histogram.
clf; bar(t, h); axis([-.5 .5 0 max(h)]);
The mad estimator (median of median) must be rescaled so that it gives the correct variance for gaussian noise.
sigma_est = mad(H(:),1)/0.6745; disp( strcat(['Estimated noise level=' num2str(sigma_est), ', true=' num2str(sigma)]) );
Estimated noise level=0.066235, true=0.06